Our top 5 countries are clearly the USA, Germany, UK, Canada, and Japan. But France, Israel, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, India, Brazil, Turkey, Egypt, Korea, UAE, and Australia are directly next on our list.
Founded in 2012, we served more than 10,000 clients in nearly every country in the world.
For us, there are no language barriers or borders. Our international team speaks many languages. And languages we do not speak, our AI translation tools speak.
Contact us in any language you feel comfortable with.
Yes, we work together with the big guys. Apple, Dell, Intel, Qualcomm, Microsoft, Kohler, Schneider Electric, Kosmos, and Boehringer Ingelheim are just some of the Fortune 500 and MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) we work for.
Although, as we are a German company, many of our clients are SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).
But we love to work with Startups, too. This is why we also have many clients who came to us before, during, or after Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Brinc, HAX, Y Combinator, Founder Institute, Shark Tank, German Accelerator, or various university programs, local incubators, government innovation centers, and corporate spin-offs.
Our startup clients raised more than 10,000,000 USD just on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Congratulations on that!
You have a great idea but need some support or don’t know how to get started? Contact us!
We are your high-quality, low-cost partner for product design, engineering, PCB/PCBA, mechanical and complete product prototypes, tooling, certification, and mass production, based in Berlin / Germany and Shenzhen / China. As the USA is our biggest market, we are planning to open an office in Texas soon.
We manufacture in Germany, China, Vietnam, Mexico, and the USA.
And neither we, nor you, nor your end-users want children, old people, sick people, or heavily pregnant women to work on your product. As such, we always follow local labor law and global legal, IP protection, ethical, social, health, safety, and environmental standards. And ensure a safe and healthy work and living environment, pay fair, above-average wages, provide above-average annual leave, and pay tax, health and social insurance for all our workers. Without exceptions.
You want to manufacture partially or completely in your own country or a different country for a Made in X of your choice? We have a big network of reliable manufacturing partners in nearly every country of the world.
Contact us and share your RFQ and target price with us!
You want to beat the best to become the best? You just found exactly what you need to bring your product from idea to market.
We are a highly motivated, highly efficient, high-performing, cutting-edge team of 100+ people, assembled from high-tech companies like Apple, NASA, Airbus, BMW, Audi, SpaceX, BOSCH, SAP, HTC, Flextronics, Foxconn, TÜV and Quanta.
Including designers, engineers, NPI, tooling, DFM, supply chain, manufacturing, process, automation, and quality experts.
We are the doers. The dreamers. The believers. The problem solvers. We solved problems in the past and developed products and technologies other teams struggled with.
You are not sure if your idea is feasible or even doable? Contact us for a quick review!
In short, we do 4 things:
To achieve 1 goal: to bring you and your product from Idea to Market.
As your high-quality, low-cost Contract Manufacturer, CM, OEM, ODM, SCM, NPI, EMS, Electronic Manufacturing Service, New Product Introduction, Supply Chain Management, Kickstarter Indiegiegogo Crowdfunding Support, Design House, Solution Provider, Engineering Service Provider, R&D Research and Development Partner we provide the full portfolio of services and expertise around the Product Life Cycle, including:
Click on any of the services in the table above to learn in more detail how NOA Labs can help you.
Some clients have only an idea and want us to take care of everything from Idea to Market.
While some clients have their own designers, engineers, prototyping, or manufacturing capabilities. But they are missing some aspects of the Product Life Cycle. Or their internal teams are too busy. Or they are working on something their company has never done before. Or they need some additional expertise or manpower to accelerate the schedule and minimize risk.
Working with us, you can cherry-pick any service and any part of the Product Life Cycle you want.
Contact us to get a quotation!
We are experts in IoT, AR, VR, AI, Consumer Electronics, Mobile Devices, Wearables, Medical, Industrial, Automation, Automotive, Smart Home, Smart City, Renewable Energy & Energy Systems, Agriculture, Vertical Farms, Aerospace, Cobots, Robots, Drones, Dual-Use and Defense.
Below is a quick look at just 1 product out of our 12 categories. Click on any category below to view a selection of 100 highlighted products. Out of more than 1000 products we have worked on in the last 10 years.
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Contact us or visit our product page to learn more about our products! Or review our technology stack!
If you did it before.
We did it thousands of times.
If you have the right experts and the right mindset.
We have 100+ experts with the right mindset.
Envisioning the future, there are more products not invented yet than invented.
Trust your idea and intuition. Turning your idea into a product is our strength.
You can find more testimonials on our Website, Clutch, or Google Reviews.
Send us an email or WhatsApp or fill out the form below. We will contact you shortly and let you know how we can work together.