
Getting a product to market takes a serious amount of knowledge and experience. Using our patenting services, you can discover how your idea can be protected, whether any of it infringes on any other, and how your idea can be improved based on our findings. 

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Protect Legally Your Idea

Protecting your idea with intellectual property (IP) rights is an incredibly important process in any product design or invention journey. Once rights are granted, the unique and inventive way in which your product works will be protected from infringement. This allows you (the owner) to have the sole rights to make and sell your product within the country the patent was granted. 

We have an excellent track record of developing new ideas for our clients to access competitive and regulated markets with successful, innovative and patented products. This includes our team of designers and engineers having filed patent applications for startups and enterprises from a range industry sectors.

When we work together, we will perform a patent search to see if your idea or any of its concepts  may infringe on any existing patent(s). There are various types of patent  (Utility, Design, or Technology), so we’ll recommend the best strategy depending on the type of patent necessary. Following this, we will then shortlist concepts for a detailed review by patent attorneys we work with, allowing you to confirm Freedom to Operate (FTO).

Patenting Activities

Patent Search

Intellectual Property Rights

Patent Application

Patent Filing

Patent Attorney

Patent Types

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